Friday 18 December 2009


Where to Start!
Cruel incompetence, The fundamental flaws, obstacles that need to be given priority by those in the media that actually care enough to get off the fence & do their part to set the wheels of change in motion.

Many of the world’s most serious problems, Wars, Starvation, Energy Crisis, Social Injustices, Rouge Dictators, Political Blunders, often have a common obstacle in the way of the global efforts needed for their solutions.
Our Leaders & those who have the power to influence change are extremely inefficient in doing so, they often lack the relevant experience & therefore are rarely together on the same page to begin with.
Its like attempting to build a house with random people, instead of employing a skilled team, just imagine the inefficiency & squabbling!

I'd like to see changes in the way we approach politics, especially at the UN level. I don't trust the idea of the charismatic amateur. I want my politicians to have a good all round knowledge of the way the world works before s/he is allowed anywhere near political office. And i'd like this verified, whether it be through, Proof of study, Relevant life experience or passing a test in 'ethical standards & aptitude' for politicians.
It seems strange to me that we expect professional expertise at the level of the individual, but at the societal level, we rely on the "charismatic amateur" to settle international disputes that could lead to civil unrest between races or even war. We entrust countries and their peoples to the care of politicians who may know nothing at all about political history or the ways societies function. It is felt that their very amateur status is a good thing. So an ex-maths teacher may suddenly be in charge of foreign affairs. S/he may know nothing at all about the countries of the world, their traditions, their cultures, their histories and yet we trust such a person to recommend a course of action in often terrifying situations where war may be the outcome if (avoidable) bad decisions are made. I find that scary. By analogy, it is like asking a witch doctor to perform a heart transplant – nowhere near qualified enough! No matter how charismatic he is, or how big of a following this has brought him/her.
Why not set the wheels in motion to make all would-be (major league politicians) study politics and societies and current affairs in the world before they are judged competent to seek office. Is that really such a bad idea?
Personally i think one of the most important changes that could take place in the 21st century, would be to see it been made a mandatory requirement, that politicians have to study human and social interactions. Therefore gaining the fundamental qualifications that are most relevant to their vocation before standing in a major elections; for example a qualification in the understanding of social conflict, or at least the study of one or more of the social sciences would be a step in the right direction. Its a shame that a doctor has to study for 7years before becoming qualified, if he makes a mistake killing someone in his carer, he's in big trouble!... Yet a politician who can mess up society, inflame racial hatred' start wars displacing hundreds of thousands of people, needs no qualification in the field of understanding people. He can even be elected upon charismatic ability alone. All too often with little accountability to mach the scale his mistakes...
To make the real & lasting changes that are needed most, this is what we need to address first....

What can you do to help? Contribute your Idea's, thoughts or skills.

Components Needed
Guidelines for new political standards
-What constitutes
Relevant life experience,
Proof of study,
Outline of Ethical standards & aptitude tests for politicians.
Support & Publicity.

People Needed
Bright Individuals - to support peaceful Revolution.
Ethical Media Personal, Active & Courageous.
Social Scientists, as the Architects.
Politicians willing to break the mold & inspire others to fall in line across the globe.
To leave comment without an id click "Post a Comment" bellow, then tick Anonymous!
Alternatively the Author can be contacted by mail eraneox -at-

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Media Ethics - The true cost of Modern Day Gossip!

Media Ethics - The true cost of Modern Day Gossip!

Generally speaking; Stories & fables that have been a useful guide to learning whats right & whats wrong have been largely replaced by modern media.

Unfortunately somewhere along the way much of the moral fiber has been lost’ To much of the time young people idolize negative role models as Wanta be Gangster’s, Drug Dealers, Car Thief’s or worse, even Carrying Weapons, Rebelling against their parents to extents that exceed the norm’s of the past. They actually end up spending longer maturing than the short & largely harmless phases we all went through... When we look around it’s not hard to see that this pattern often extends into adult hood. Resulting in a modern world with large numbers of adults idolizing & becoming the same negative role models.. People complain about the stresses of modern societies. In this way it can seem that some of the old ways where better.

I beleive there’s a very good Ethical case Not for severely suppressing the media’ But for on occasions applying ethical restraints to Media Reporting, Film & Music Production. This has been tried in the past & was disastrous due to the involvement of fanatics who went away too far..

Other good examples of when ethical restraints should be applied include

When the deviant action of a group or individual is given a label. IE: Muslim or Christian & actually fuels Ethnic conflict between Muslim & Christian.. Would be more useful to apply a Label that says’s what they actually are "A Deviant individual or Group" Muslim & Christian are Big Labels that apply to billions of people.. It’s not wise to continue the mistakes of the past by dragging everyone into conflict over the actions of a few..

Drug & Alcohol Abuse should not be portrayed as cool’ There would be nothing wrong with people doing things in moderation. The problem is these are addictive substances! Weather it be Chemical or Social Addiction it’s a handicap people could do without... Without the widespread "cool" portrayal we see in the media people would be more likely to come to the mature understanding that these things are to be used Sparingly OR Not at all! If we are really to enjoy life to the full instead of our mass culturel trend of people living to get wasted at the weekend...

Based on the current social acceptance & the principle that any publicity is good publicity! It’s currently fashionable for celebraties to be seen coming in & out of Rehab, portraying themselves as more of a mess than they actually are, making use of the publicity "a place in the spotlight!" There are genuine cases, but even these seem to turn it into more than it is. People with their resources are well capable making better attemps of hiding a few weeks of rehab when they want to. In reality ADDICTION is Not so "Cool" !!! It’s an enemy of the worst type, the type that creeps up on you stealing years of your life, Messing up family & friendships, And most of all Robbing you of your potential... The Media could do more to report on what this actually does to society as a whole. Those that use this style as publicity with no regard to it’s consequences on the young & influenceable deserve character assassination or infamy not fame!

"Even that phrase Anti social behaviour is now a label which is seen as cool" UNTIL YOU FIND IT IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD!